The Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate was established in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996). The aim is to carry out the constitutional mandate of the Department of Mineral Resources in order to protect and safeguard the health and safety of mine employees and communities affected by mining operations.
Under the act, the primary responsibility for ensuring a healthy and safe working environment in mines rests on the employer or mine owner.
The Mineware Risk module
The Mineware Risk module aims at the eradication of uncontrolled events that have a high potential of causing incidents and stopping production in any operation. To achieve this, a holistic risk-based approach is required in order to identify all hazards and risks prior to the commencement of work. In order to facilitate this, the risk model applies the following processes:
• Dynamic Baseline Risk Assessment using an interactive process map.
• Issue-based Risk Assessment.
• BowTie analysis capability that draws all hazards (within certain parameters) for analysis.
• Automated generation of all legal documents pertaining to a task and task risk rating.
• Interface to planned work to be assessed.
This approach ensures comprehensive task training and assessment is conducted and that deficiencies are identified and corrected, where reasonably practical, prior to and during the commencement of work.
When coupled with Mineware’s OCR (optical character recognition) form capture technology, the risk model drives information gathering by directly linking survey questions to preventative measures, feeding directly back into the risk model for assessment, and automatically triggering corrective action notifications. In this way, the risk model closes the loop on risk management, ensuring ongoing mine safety and productivity.
This software package can be customised to suit any client’s requirements and greatly enhances safety control over all levels of an operation.
Improve your mine’s day-to-day safety record and manage your long-term risk more effectively with Mineware Consulting’s purpose-written safety suite software.